
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Is Social Media Preventing Your Employment?


Have you been on an interview which seemed guaranteed, yet later receive a rejection or simply no response? Well, if you have yet to land your desired job, the economy is probably not the only reason. Your social media life could be the answer. Nowadays, it is common practice for recruiter's to screen applicants social media activities for hiring. 

Since the economy is still favorable for employers, many applicants are at a disadvantage based on their social content. Recruiters use many variable to screen potential hires, and your social media is not excluded. Employers seek candidates which fit their company's culture. The rule of thumb is to present yourself in a professional manner when starting your job search.

Search engines, like Google, have made it easier to track your activity. Many job applicants with public profiles on popular sites, like Facebook, could help aid in the hiring decision. Not all recruiters use this medium to consider a applicant, but you can never rule it out.So, if your a cursing expert or like to post provocative content; you have just influenced the recruiter's decision not to hire you. Just use common sense and eliminate a variable which keeps you from getting the job.

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